Listing Media for Realtors in and around the Twin Cities
Prices below are based on the average home size we service (1,001 - 4,000 sq ft). The pricing will be adjusted for homes smaller and larger, depending on the service.
Pricing in our online order form will reflect accurate pricing based on the size of home!
Media Bundles
Full Stop - $499 + Tax
High Quality Photographs - As many photos as needed to do the job well!
Detailed Floor Plans - with and without Dimensions
Aerial Photographs of the Property - plus 1 Lot Outline Included
Social Reel -(Non-Customizable, see “Social Reel Plus” for customization)
Includes: Intro Shots, Agent Intro (optional), Property Flow with Detailed Shots, Closing Shot. Set to Music. Can be branded and Unbranded
$329 + Tax
High Quality Photographs - As many photos as needed to do the job well!
Detailed Floor Plans - with and without Dimensions
Aerial Photographs of the Property - plus 1 Lot Outline Included
Two Full Stops
Starting at $549 + Tax
Everything that the “Full Stop” includes, with more customization on the social reel!
If you have a vision, lets talk! - Call or I’ll will reach out after booking online!
Main Subject
$229 + Tax
This is our base photo package! Floor Plans are included with all interior home shoots.
High Quality Photographs - As many photos as needed to do the job well!
Detailed Floor Plans - with and without Dimensions
Peak Perspective
$229 + Tax
The Exterior Bundle
Aerial Photos - plus 1 Lot Outline Included
Exterior Property Photos
Exterior Only Video - 30 to 45 sec video showcasing the exterior of the listing with drone/aerial footage
More Services!
10 Photos
$149 + Tax
Perfect for Exteriors only or Updated Photos
10 Photos
Does not include floor plans
Classic Twilight
$225 + Tax
Taken when the sun is low for a great contrast! Appointment time will very depending on the time of year.
3 - 5 Traditional Twilight Photos
‘Social Reel’ Only
$229 + Tax
Non-Customizable, see “Social Reel Plus” for customization
Includes: Intro Shots, Agent Intro (optional), Property Flow with Detailed Shots, Closing Shot. Set to Music. Can be branded and Unbranded
Shot Vertically (unless otherwise noted)
‘Social Reel Plus’ Only
Starting at $279
Everything the “Social Reel” offers with more customization. Got a vision for a social reel, lets talk!
Custom Video
Let’s Talk!
Looking for something completely unique to your brand, let’s sit down and go through what that looks like!
Custom Video Examples:
Full Tour Style Video
Agent Branding Video
Lifestyle Video
Add - Ons (for Media Bundles and Services)
Virtual Staging
Virtually stage a photo, a room, or a whole home
$29 + Tax
Priced per Photo
Virtual Twilight
Virtually Edited Twilight Image from Daytime Exterior Photos
$19 + Tax
Priced per Photo
Travel Fee
Any travel that requires more than 35 miles from the center of the Twin Cities (The MN State Fair Grounds) will be subject to a $1 per mile fee outside of that radius. See map below:
Don’t see what you’re looking for? Have an idea for something but aren’t sure how to bring your vision to life? Reach out, I’d love to chat!